Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Is GRUNGE creeping back in fashion?

In a world reminiscent of Bush I, post war and very broke, people everywhere are starting to feel the crunch. The economy is rapidly sinking, protesters are taking to the streets in larger numbers, and music is once again finding substance. Old school bands like Rage Against the Machine are on tour, while the Breeders are about to release their first album in close to a decade, and guess what? It DOESN'T suck! In true Breeders fashion, the album has depth for groupies, and substance for real fans. As with "Last Splash", we all win!

I think I'm either having one hell of an acid flash back, or Grunge is on a plane to a town near you! With global warming, I'm not expecting a flannel revival though! So how do we prepare for the movement?

1)Get Angry
2)Grab a guitar
3)Crank up the distortion
4)Dust off the burgundy Doc's you've had in the closet
5)Find causes that make you passionate
6)Grab a sign and get in line!

The political war has just gotten personal and change is on the horizon.

The entire grunge movement reminded us what the hippy movement tried to teach us. Banding together through music WORKS!

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