Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Magic Mushrooms really are good for you!

Pretty soon, you might not have to hide your stash of Mushrooms that you stole out of that old guys yard. Pretty soon, you might just be able to get a prescription for them.

Yes, scientists have finally admitted after over a 40 year hold on studying psychedelics, that those little magical mushrooms really are magical.

The participants in the study (lucky bastards) reported feeling more centered, more creative, and more connected to the rest of the world after taking the said hallucinogens.

They should've saved their millions though and asked any of my friends about that one. I think most people over the age of 20 know what mushrooms do to you, without having to participate in a study. It's something I learned by 14, not rocket science.

The experts are looking for ways to benefit people who suffer from depression, alcoholism, and drug dependencies. Hell yeah, give a junky a mushroom and scare them straight with the near God feelings. That should work.

For more info on this topic you know what to do....(and in case you don't...click below)
Tripping Medicine

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