Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Servers are people too...

I have worked in restaurants for the past 15 years or so and I've picked up on a few things that people should/should not do....

I will use this blog as a place to help others understand how to be or not to be...

1) Do not complain to the hosts about your meal. They are NOT the manager nor are they your server. Most hosts know nothing about anything in that restaurant other than table numbers and sections.

2) Hosts, Bussers, and cooks are not there to get you a refill. Take the time to pay attention to what your server looks like and either patiently wait until they return or ask a manager for assistance. All it takes is a moment of observation to figure out who is doing what in that restaurant for you. In most restaurants hosts/bussers can actually get into trouble if they are seen bringing out drinks to a table.

3) Treat the staff the way you want to be treated. Just because they are at work, it doesn't mean they are working for YOU! Infact many restaurant workers spend so much time in their place of employment that it feels like their homes. So when you come in and trash the place and act rude it is taken more harshly because you are in their home, on their turf, and acting like a fool!

4) So what if your food has taken 20 minutes. Don't lie and say it's been an hour. We all saw how long ago you walked in the door and your server didn't just walk around and not place your order to torture you. But, I bet if you were at home cooking a steak dinner for two along with your kids chicken strips and making ice cream sundae's, you wouldn't have it done within twenty minutes either. If you want fast food go to a place with a drive through!

5) If a host tells you that the place is on a 10-15 minute wait, don't question them. Even if you see tables open. Just because you want to sit down and eat doesn't mean that the server assigned to that area is ready for you, or maybe the kitchen is a little backed up. Either way the host(ess) has been trained on how to run the flow of a restaurant. Let them do their job!

6) Maybe you came at a bad time...Don't wait until you're starving at 7pm on friday to go eat. If you do, bring a pack of crackers with you so you can handle a wait if you need to because chances are YOU WILL BE on a wait.

7) Complaining that you have to wait, around people who have already been waiting will NOT get you sympathy. Instead it will get you labeled as the pain in the ass who has an attitude. If you don't feel that it's worth your time to wait then leave. NO ONE will cry over you.

8) Telling your server or the manager how great of a job they did, is not a substitute for a tip. Servers in South Carolina only make $2.16/hr. The standard tip is 15%, 20% or more shows you appreciated their service.

9) Don't assume all of the money a server has is theirs. Many restaurants do server banking, meaning they allow you to pay at the table. Servers unfortunately have to carry a stash of cash so they can give you change. They still need to be tipped so stop being cheap!

10) If you have a party of 5 or more, you should automatically plan on tipping your server ATLEAST 15%! Besides taking care of their other tables, they now have to wait on 5 or more people and yes, it is a lot of work.

11)If you are in a family restaurant, do not curse, hit your child, or yell at anyone. You are only making a spectacle of yourself and we really CAN call the police.

If you have never worked in the restaurant industry, perhaps you should try it for a weekend or two. Maybe then you will sympathize a little more with the hospitality workers around you!

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