Thursday, September 4, 2008

Remembering Terri Shiavo

Ever since I started working with Prepaid Legal, I have begun to see things in a different light. Having this legal service has enabled me to feel more empowered now than ever. I sat down to work on my Will kit and remembered Terri Shiavo. I wanted to take a minute to remind you too...Please read below:

Ok this can be a touchy subject, but I want to take a moment to remind you of the case of Terri Shiavo.

This image came from the Official Website of Terri Shindler Shiavo's Foundation

Terri Shiavo suffered from brain damage as a result of collapsing in her home from respiratory & cardiac arrest. She was only 27 when this happened!!!

But, because she never had a living will the fight for her life was left between her parents and her husband. The fight lasted for 7 years before eventually falling in the hands of the FL supreme court and even Gov. Jeb Bush.

The media and her husband tried to persuade us that she was brain dead, but her family has video documented proof that she was conscious. The decision was made and her feeding tube was removed, leaving this poor woman to die of starvation and dehydration.

Don't let this be you!

Don't leave your love ones to struggle in the case of your absence or death. I know that no one wants to think about their death, but even if something happened to you that left you unable to act or speak for yourself would you want to leave the decisions up to doctors?

Who knows what you want better than you?

Get your will done before it's too late!

Protect yourself, your kids, your family from the stress and trauma's that Terri's family went through.

Get your will done ASAP!

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