Saturday, November 22, 2008

Prop 8-the movement

So as most of you know, Prop 8 was passed in California on Nov. 4th. What most of you don't know or seem to realize is that this is a terrible injustice, not just for members of the GLBT community but for all of society.

For the first time in the history of this nation, the civil rights of human beings was voted on.

During the course of the election, boundaries were crossed violating the rules for separation of church and state.

The Mormon Church specifically, donated over $1,000,000 to the campaign of this hate bill. These churches that receive government funding, paid for by all citizens, including gays and lesbians.

Another problem that we as a community have is that, this vote should have never happened. The California SUPREME COURT had already decided that it was legal for us to be married, therefore it should have been over and done with. Now, the supporters of Prop 8 are very smuggly saying that we should accept the vote and move on. We need to stop wasting time and money. But isn't that just what they did? They could not accept the Supreme Courts ruling and managed to push this onto the ballot. Now we are "acting like babies" according to some supporters.

In an interview with 2 black males, I was appalled to watch as they said we shouldn't be fighting for our rights, we need to get over it and move on.

Yet, if memory serves me correctly, they have their rights because of the generations that came before them that struggled and fought.

No, we don't have to sit in the back of the bus. Yes we have jobs, but that doesn't mean that people aren't outside of our doors ready to lynch us (as proven with Matthew Shepard, Harvey Milk, and so many others.) That also doesn't mean that we are allowed to be ourselves, and we don't have a "Gay History Month"...yet....

I would also like to add that the campaign for Prop 8 was a fear driven one, that was at often times very misleading in that the marketing team ran TV commercials about education and made people think that they were voting to keep GLBT information out of the public school systems.

There have been many cries about people having to explain to their kids what bigots are and that they feel they shouldn't have to do that, but if you are going to teach your kids how to be one, then yes, you should have to teach them what it is.

At this point, in the fight for equality, I am also very ashamed however that so many have taken this lying down saying "Maybe their right, we should accept civil unions." As a member of this community, a humanist, an activist, and a major supporter of equality, I say HELL NO!

I'm not taking this lying down. I will not keep my mouth shut. I will not stop fighting.

Martin Luther King, JR said it best when he said those who are not willing to die for their beliefs, aren't worth living. And believe me folks, if I can help it, this is just the beginning.

If you are a member of the straight community especially, I urge you to take a stand against hatred. Understand that while we are different, we are also the same. We all want love and the ability to live our lives without fear of being on the wrong end of violence. We hurt, we cry, we laugh, and most importantly WE LOVE.

If you are a member of the GLBT community and you aren't actively involved in protests, or petitions, or at the very least speaking out about your beliefs then you are letting us all down.

We must unify and stop allowing ourselves to be considered 2nd class citizens.

More to come.

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