Monday, April 12, 2010

Big Brother Come Save Us!

When I was growing up, I listened to the amazing stories of how "Hippies" and various other groups of people have come together and kept our government in check by protesting. In elementary and middle school I heard the stories of the Boston Tea Party and how one person could become a group of 100 then 1,000 just standing up and fighting for their rights together. I always respected and admired those people who didn't fear speaking their mind.

As time marches on, I see that our country which was founded by rebels, frowns on those who speak their mind, unless they go along with the "group think".

The funny thing is that the more I write and speak my own mind, I see that the actual group think is similar to mine, so why are we the people not taking more control over what "Big Brother" has in store for us?

Our country is currently in a state of distress. Everyone's mind is focused on finances more than ever, as those who used to be middle class have been knocked back down the ladder, and the poor have become poorer.

While we all struggle to keep our heads afloat from the Tsunami that this economy has caused us, Big Brother is gaining more control across the board. In the last 2 years, we've gone from bad to worse. Our banks, oil, hospitals,housing, automobiles, and soon to be airlines are all being held for ransom.

Last week, it was announced that Spirit Airlines wanted to start charging for carry on luggage. Needless to say this hasn't gone over too well. Instead of the citizens of this country taking the time to pick up a phone and call the customer service line or drop the 44 cents on a stamp to write a letter to the company, we have cried out once again for our Big Brother to come and rescue us.

The problem is that once again Big Brother doesn't just step in and say "Hey Spirit Airlines, my little brothers and sisters don't like what you're doing. Please change it." They say "Hey I'm big brother and I'm not going to let you do this or that and now I own you.".

In our Politically Correct world, we're scared to step on toes as an outsider of group think. But those who think like the group, that we're told exists, feel they have the right to say or do whatever they want and they do; and they do just that.

We are letting go of our right to participate in our own government. We call big brother to come and save us, but he doesn't save us, he just takes over.

The fact that our oil companies are still being afforded the ability to charge us over the $2 and soon to be $3 mark (again) is ridiculous. However our dependency on automobiles for transportation leaves us feeling like we can't do much more than bitch and moan as we sink our hands further into our pockets while searching for loose change.

Change is exactly what we need and because of that pretense we have the president we have in office.

Obama has changed things, but few of those changes have been for the better. Our parents who are getting ready to hit retirement are now having to do so without the pensions they worked so hard for. Social Security is maxing itself out, and 401K's have turned into piggy banks that are constantly being squeezed for banks.

It's ironic that the banks (who charge $36 when that check you wrote for $10.00 bounces because all you had was $9.99 in the account) have the right to charge you high amounts of fees, fines, and interest, but don't return the favor when they make a mistake.

Yet spirit air can't charge $5 for a carry on suitcase. I don't like the fees, and seeing as though I am on the lower end of middle class, I usually HAVE TO fly Spirit when I need to fly somewhere. It's an inconvenience but may lighten the amount of luggage on the plane which could save fuel and may hopefully cut down on the actual price of the ticket itself. So instead of paying $129 for a ticket, maybe I'll be able to fly for $99 or $79. So if I have to pay $5 for the carry on or even $10, it still costs me less to travel then it would have normally. I see the logic in their thinking and I'm not ready to pick up the phone to complain (yet). The other airlines have already said they aren't following suit (yet). So, what's the big deal? Why is big brother already jumping at the bit to get involved?

They didn't get involved in the recent case where the teenage lesbian was denied the right to attend the prom with her girlfriend. They don't get involved in people being discriminated against and allow the unfair fees that banks continue to charge even though those banks have already been given more of our money then they deserve thanks to the bailouts.

They don't get involved to help. They get involved when it's beneficial to them. Keeping your mouth shut and allowing this treatment to continue is far from patriotic. It doesn't make you a better person, it makes you an accessory to the raping and robbing of Americans by the system that was supposed to protect them. If you aren't already involved with the decision making in your city and or state, get involved NOW! Organize your friends and family, educate them, and inspire them to write letters, form protests, and get loud!

Together we can, & need to, take back our country.

Anything you'd like to reproduce that I've written above, please provide a return link to my email or website

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