Friday, March 28, 2008

Everyday Sexism.

Sexist feminists? Do such creatures exist? Of course they do. What's worse is that most people don't even realize the depth of their own sexist beliefs until someone like myself comes along and points it out.
Recently, I offered to fix my partners father's car. I noticed it had a few problems that I believed I was capable of at least diagnosing. It was my way of helping him out because #1) he is among the busiest people that I know of and #2) he's disabled. Instead of accepting my offer he laughed and dismissed that there was anything even wrong with his vehicle, rather than to let a girl check it out. Within the same breath that he used to chuckle, his car broke down and left him stranded on the freeway. Talk about instant Karma, eh?
There are many girls that I know that consider themselves to be feminists or atleast very liberated individuals, and for the most part are. However, when it comes to boys wearing pink they can't get past it. The worst incidences for me come from excusing terrible behavior because of gender. As in "Oh they're just being boys". Are you kidding me? Wrong is wrong. No matter what the gender is.
I think sexism begins with the womb though. When the mother to be and her friends and/or family are sitting around making plans for the baby and refuse to buy the little girl a blue blanket, or give the little boy a teddy bear with a pink bow. Does anyone really think that a child's introduction into the world can determine their sexual orientation later in life? I mean seriously, can anyone prove to me that if the baby boy's crib is lined with flowers will it really make him gay? If not, then why would we need to have such distinct lines between genders?
Why do people still laugh when a girl check's under the hood to see why the car won't start? Why do some girls enjoy the helplessness and giggles when someone asks them when the last time they checked the oil was?
The truth is ladies, if you can't do things for yourself, you make yourself very helpless, which can be very dangerous. Guys shouldn't feel intimidated because a girl knows how to fix the garbage disposal. They should be happy that they don't have to get off the couch to do it for them!
If you're a woman here's some advice: If you don't know how to do something that is considered a man's job, learn!
If you're a man here's some advice: Be glad that women have come far enough to understand what field goal options mean. It will bring you closer during sports time! If you're not a sports fan, maybe now's the time to learn!

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