Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Today my friends is a day like every other. It's a slow kind of day so I hopped on to the web to do a little mindless surfing, when I came across an article from March 10th about Lisa Marie Presley suing the British tabloids for publishing stories that she was getting fat and pill popping and going down the same road of self destruction that killed her father.
It's a story we've heard many times. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman sued and won their battle a few years ago. Kate Winslett sued and now Lisa Marie is suing. Big deal right?
Well actually it is. One of the things that I've noticed about the net and the increase of media attention on celebrities is that the responsibility factor is disappearing. What's worse are the ignorant comments that are left on such websites as with the Lisa Marie story.
People from all over flock to read the articles only to write responses such as "Who cares about these celebrities! They should just get over it!" Honestly, if anyone published anything negative about half of the people writing these comments they would make themselves appear to be the victim of some terrible crime. However, because Lisa Marie is a celebrity she should just suck it up right? People who make comments that people such as Lisa Marie or whoever the story may be about has no talent are pathetically wasting their time.
It's a way of making ourselves feel better to attack someone else for having what we don't, and let's face it, most of us will never have half of the material possessions that these celebrities have. We won't attend the parties and we won't have the harems of people oogling over us. Instead we have to suck up our own short commings and work at soul crushing jobs flipping burgers or scrubbing toilets just to put food on the table.
If we're fortunate enough to go to college, many of us end up with tens of thousands of dollars in debt before we even get into our chosen career. Or worse we settle. We settle for whatever in the hell we can get because life is hard.
Watching reality TV is disgusting and annoying because we see kids like Aaron Reid who hasn't done anything other than being born into the right family have a 16th birthday party that costs more than the amount of money I will make in a lifetime! His invitations were MP3 players! We watch kids like Paris Hilton get famous for their parents, and porn tapes that were secretly being hidden and then get pissed that this girl makes a cool mil each month.
While I don't like it anymore than the next person, I do think that sooner or later all of the celeb attention needs to come to a hault, but because our nation lives vicariously through their TV sets, I don't think that's going to happen.
No one should have to deal with people running after them in the middle of intersections just for photos of them drinking a soda. The paparazzi and their media counterparts spin stories to get your attention and you eat it up. Only to say that you're sick of seeing celebs. Try not buying the next editions of these magazines if you really don't care. Stop fueling the industry and make them care about issues that really are important.
I'd like to see more of a spotlight on celebs like Oprah who are doing some good for this world, rather than whether or not Britney is wearing panties, but then again maybe that's just me.
If you really want to see a change in the way a lot of these ungratefulls like "gummy bear"are portrayed then seriously, stop buying the books, the magazines, the t-shirts, the comatic films that they are in and they will go away!
And please STOP requesting people like Tilla Tequilla as a friend. Seriously VH-1... No one needed to see that!

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