Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm starting to believe...

That myspace really is the evil I have seen it portrayed to be. Everytime I try to post a political bulletin I get an error message. I tried for 30 minutes to post one today. As an experiment I took out the politics of it clicked post and magically it worked. There have also been a few times that I was creating a political blog or bulletin and my letters started looking like Hebrew symbols.
I feel like it's something embedded in my computer that isn't being found. It could have been a fluke, and I probably would have accepted that answer, but it has happened too many times over the last 3 weeks or so for me to think of it as a "coincidence".

There are many theories out there about what this site is really being used for but I think this sums up a lot of the points that I'd like you to know:

"The New Scientist reports that:

By adding online social networking data to its phone analyses, the NSA could connect people at deeper levels, through shared activities…..data the NSA could combine with social networking details includes information on purchases, where we go (available from cellphone records, which cite the base station a call came from) and what major financial transactions we make.

Combining that data with the personal information that MySpace collects, the recorded network of friends, and the communications that are made and stored online, will produce some pretty thorough profiles.

Now, with the government creating these clandestine agencies, shuffling them around and changing their names, supporting them with ever more technology to pry deeper into our personal lives, and attacking the media any time they report on some aspect of these activities so as to insure their secrecy, what is the next piece of this puzzle to fall into place?

Who is Rupert Murdoch?

Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of News Corp and Fox News, buys MySpace for $580 million dollars. Never mind that MySpace, while growing its membership exponentially, has lost money since its inception. What better steward for this program of privacy obliteration than the committed right-wing baron of one of the world’s largest media empires?

Am I just paranoid, or does it seem like there really is a governmental and corporate cabal that is positioning itself to become the Big Brother that Orwell warned us about?"

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