Friday, April 11, 2008

Trying to watch your weight? Watch out for these!

Click Here to see 20 of the worst foods in America!

-According to Men's Health Magazine.

As much of us approach thirty it's becoming increasingly important to watch what we eat. We've learned from the mistakes of our parents that too much of anything is too much!

As a society we are learning more and more about what works and what doesn't so it only makes sense to watch what you eat. Sometimes though it's hard to know what's good and what's bad.

In my quest to find the answers here are a few things I've learned:
#1) Processed foods are baaaaad! Boooo! No more Chef-Boy-Ar-Puke or DVR-Dinners for me! It's time to go as organic and natural as possible!

#2) Parasites are everywhere. This includes your digestive trac so make sure you are cleansing yourself often! There are stories all over the world of people "excreting" huge tapeworms! Some as long as 9 feet or more!!!!

Sometimes you can be infected without having symptoms; however, there are a few warning signs you can look out for, including:

* Allergies to many different types of foods
* Anemia (low red blood count)
* Bloating/abdominal swelling
* Bloody stools
* Bouts of diarrhea and inconsistent bowel habits
* Flu-like symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and fever
* Foul-smelling stools that get worse in the afternoon and evening
* Fever
* Gas and cramping
* Itching around the anus, especially at night.
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Weight loss with a ravenous appetite
(As per

First, it's important to flush out your gastrointestinal (GI) system; a clean, hydrated, and toned colon goes a long way toward discouraging parasites to make their home in your intestines, as well as works to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms you are experiencing while under attack by a parasitic infestation.

Coping with parasites is best handled with a multi-pronged approach, which includes...

Step 1: Herbal Colon Cleansing
Step 2: Increase Your Fiber Intake
Step 3: Reverse Vitamin Deficiency
Step 4: Know Sources - Preventing Re-infestation

#3) Death begins in the colon. It can also move into the liver. Eat lots of fiber!! Drink lots of water!! Especially if you spent the 1st half of your life drinking it up, now is the time to heal your self! Just adding those 2 simple ingredients can actually lengthen your lifespan.

#4) There are herbal remedies for 99.9% of whatever ails you! They are cheaper and less dangerous than most of the prescriptions offered by your average doctor! Take the time to research holistics first! As in, BEFORE you go and spend a trillion dollars that you don't have to cure something that may have been cured with a simple solution of water and arnica, or ginger. If you don't know what these two things do for you, or how they benefit you, check it out!

#5) Meat is murder, not just to the animals you are ingesting, but also to yourself! As in, every aspect of the meat industry has been known for insane amounts of bacteria. There is no friendly way to slaughter an animal. So protesting KFC because they smacked the chicken around before they popped it's head off, isn't going to bring that chicken back. However, not eating it will keep other chickens like "Bob" from dying. By eating that meat you could be increasing your parasite infestation big time!

***Random Fact***

Elvis and John Wayne both died with over 20lbs of waste in their intestines. It was waste that was making their bodies toxic. Perhaps a good colon cleanse once in a while would have kept them both around a little longer?

#6) Exercise is a must. I may not be the most active person in the world, but I do know that when I have managed to get off my lazy ass, I weighed less than I do when I don't exercise.

#7) You have to be happy with your life or else everything above won't matter! If you're unhappy with your life, you are less likely to go outside and "play", and more likely to sit around the house eating starchy sugary crap!

So allow yourself the right to be happy and have some fun!

#8) Quit smoking. Cut the Bullshit. I love you! Now stop already! You know it's bad, I know it's bad, I'm sure you're tired of hearing it, but believe me. I smoked seriously for about 16 years, and on New Years Eve, I took my very last drag of my very last cigarette and really haven't looked back. How much damage I did to myself over the years is something I don't really know, but I finally had to bite the bullet and stop already. Being overweight and smoking was definitely the best way to get me into the heart attack zone by 35. Don't get me wrong, I'm still there, in that zone I mean, but every day that I don't smoke lessens my chances of an early death from natural causes!

#9) Laugh ALOT! Laughing burns calories and releases happy chemicals in the brain and it just feels good! Believe it or not, science has begun to show us that laughing can alot can actually lessen belly fat! Someone quick! Do something funny! I need to rid myself of these love handles!

#10) SLEEP. Deeply, for as long as you can. Again, I'm learning with all of you here, but I do know that sleeping regularly is a great way to help you lose weight, rid yourself of stress, and repair your body on a regular basis. It can also improve brain function and keep you from being depressed. I've been an insomniac most of my life, but I'm trying to train myself to go to sleep at a reasonable time and to wake up at a normal time. Schedules are GREAT when it comes to getting the rest you need!!

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