Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I've decided to take a new approach tonight to the way I blog. Usually with this particular blog I find interesting things in the news and recap them here. So far no complaints, but then again no raves either. So from now on I'm going to change things up a bit. In addition to the semi weekly recaps, you'll also get a whole lot of ramblings from me.

Tonights topic comes from a brief moment of clarity that I have managed to find through out the oh so stormy days.

As I transition into the adult world, no I'm not talking about porn, I find myself struggling with the many changes my mind and body are enduring.

For those of you not there yet, let me just say, this shit makes puberty seem like fun again.

It's amazing how in a very short amount of time, we begin to make these changes. Well, at least that's how it's been for me. One minute, I'm out partying with my friends, the next I'm married with kids. (Since they're step kids, I didn't have the 9 months to adjust and anticipate, which in my opinion makes things harder.) It's kind of a welcomed change but for the most part, I feel like that kid holding onto the door frame, kicking and screaming, saying "No!!!! I don't wanna grow up!"

The only comfort I've had is the many people I've met over the years and reconnected with thanks to the social networking explosion that has taken place online. At least I don't have to go through it alone.

Tonight my dear readers, I'm asking you all a question. What are the biggest challenges you've faced in "transitioning" into the world of responsibility and adulthood?

I'd like to also take this time to say thank you for hanging in there as I continuously revamp myself and this blog!


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