Friday, August 29, 2008

Hugh Hefner: The Inspiration

Last night on E's True Hollywood Stories, they showed the story of Hugh Hefner. Unless you've been living in a tribal village somewhere in Africa without access to any form of media for the last 50 years, you already know who Mr. Hefner is.

Amazingly enough you may not know anything until you see this documentary.

Hugh Hefner was just a young man when he started his legacy in the 1950's. He's often seen as just a "Playboy", but in actuality "Hef" is more than a playboy, and more than an entrepreneur, but is also a hell of a fighter by way of civil rights.

If it wasn't for him, I believe women's lib may not have taken place when it did. Even if you are a feminist who is anti-porn, you may have to agree with me when you realize that he took women's sexuality out of the closet and into the mainstream. This allowed women to no longer hide their power of independence but celebrate it.

As a man himself, he worked very hard not to just build a life full of sex and beautiful women but an entire empire. It's this kind of hard work and determination that more of us should practice in a world of convenience and laziness.

If you get a chance to learn more about the biography of Hugh you should absolutely do it. The man is not just a genius but an inspiration to anyone trying to make it using passion and drive.

You can also check out Hugh Hefner-Wikipedia

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