Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's another "Gay Day" here in SC...

So recently I decided that I am going to start a new organization in South Carolina that's main focus is to educate its citizens on tolerance and acceptance. One of the groups that will be represented is the GLBT community.

Today I was doing research and came across the rainbow law directory's website. On the main page they list new and headlines relevant to us.

It's amazing to me that there are still people in this world who think that a person's sexual orientation could be cause for so much oppression.

Even within the confines of other minorities who have had to struggle, there lies a great deal of hatred and animosity.

How can you not see that having validation of love is tearing us apart? Or maybe you do see that and it makes you happy because you've been brain washed to believe that love is wrong.

There is a formula that I have discovered among the hate breeding campaigns that most people don't see.

A person, such as oh let's call him or her "A", finds a group to target such as the "J's" and points out the thing that is making them seperate from you. Or the thing or she doesn't like about the "J's" and basically creates a marketing plan or blue print on how to bring them down. They create stories and use the truth in a manipulated fashion to discredit the "J's". For instance in the battle between the religious right v. the GLBT communities a preacher might say "Oh those homosexuals are so smart! They will say it's all about love, and tell you that it's something they were born with. That they didn't have a choice. But you and I both know that every person has a choice about whether to love God or not. And if you're not with us, you must be doing the devil's work."

Now, when you and I sit down to have a conversation and I tell you that my family is neither satanic nor going to hell because it's about love. And I love my wife just as you love yours and we love our kids just as you love yours, a bell goes off and says "Gee. The preacher that I have known for years, just told me they would say that. Maybe he's right." And they've won.

Each and every time.

Just as that tactic was once used against the allowance for African-American's to be allowed the right to sit at the same table with others, rather than have to be fed out back like a dog. They won. Each and every time. But just once, someone was crazy enough to believe that they had a right to take a stand, and speak up, despite whatever consequences they might face. And even sacrificed themselves and their life to the greater good, by taking a bullet so that everyone else could live a better life.

We are facing the same kind of battle. It's time for a change in this city. In this state. In this country.

If you can stop their voices echoing in your head long enough to make a decision for yourself, perhaps you will agree.

There is no justification in this day and age why any group of people should feel suppressed. We are all entitled to the same basic rights in life. Someone who is Black, White, Yellow, or Brown has no more rights than someone else who is Black, White, Yellow, or Brown. A man has no more rights than a woman, and someone who is straight should have no more rights than someone who is homosexual, bisexual, pan-sexual, omni-sexual, or metro sexual.

In this state there are no hate crime laws, there are no rights for families with homosexual parents or children, and not one case of a child being legally adopted by GLBT parents. Not because people haven't tried, but because they all gave up. We can no longer allow ourselves to be strong armed by hate. How many people out there agree with what I'm saying yet remain too afraid of what others around them will think? And we let them win. Again.

Stop letting them win and join our fight!
If you'd like to help me with my organization or just support us by joining as a member let me know by emailing me here: I will put up a sign up link soon.

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