Monday, April 20, 2009

Flood update and more Rogan!

To keep myself from going crazy due to our flood incident I'm going to post some Seth Rogan. I am posting this particular one because his laugh is the best! If you're not a Seth Rogan fan, skip the video below.

So here's the flood update:

We are still (1 month later) in the hotel. I am still having crazy ulcer issues that are making me not want to even move much less leave the room to do ANYthing. Both of our sons have been very sneezy, especially Jonathan who has allergies, and I'm wondering if Anthony has them now too.

It was great to find out that there was mold in the apartment before the flood, due to a previous incident, and that our land lord told us NOTHING about it when we moved in!

I've done my research and we could all be sick for the rest of our lives from that place!

We rode by the apartment today and saw that the heat was cranked up past 80 and although there are walls again not much other progress seems to have been made. We are now over $2000 in the hole from this thing, and hoping to get reimbursed ASAP! The man from Carolina Restoration has assured me that things should be done in another week or two.

We were supposed to have gotten my wife's check today but it has not arrived and those who owe me money for work I have done are conveniently not available. We have hardly any gas, and very little food left. UGH!

If something doesn't give soon, I am seriously going to scream!

Everytime I go into that apartment my head, throat, and stomach hurt for a few hours after, even though I do my best to keep my nose and mouth covered.

This hotel room and it's dingy yellow walls is maddening! I feel like we are trapped in this place (even though it does have a great view). Our lives have been on hold now for a month! We were going to go to NY for Easter but it never happened because we knew we couldn't with all of the expenses we had already incurred. 2 Birthday's later and we're really broke!

I was also told by the restoration guy that any of our kids toys or my electronic stuff may not be worth keeping after their exposure to the sewage and the mold. There goes another $2000! Up until today I really have been kept in the dark. I would call and get the "I'll call you back", days later still hearing nothing would call again.
We really can't seem to catch a break. At this point, if we could recoup all of our expenses + damages I would probably just pack all of our stuff and go back to California.
Moving back here was seemingly the wrong thing to do, even though I have been fortunate enough to rekindle a few friendships with some great people. All in all, I just want this freaking nightmare to be over with!

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