Sunday, December 6, 2009

Keeping People In Their Places

I am forgotten
by an unforgiving society
who falsely lables
innocent children as trouble makers
as a means of keeping people in their places

I am amazed
that I am even sitting here typing these words
as once upon a time all I could afford was to steal
extra napkins from fast food joints that charged the homeless twenty five cents
for a cup of free water
as a means of keeping people in their places

I am confused
about when it's my turn in the game
of life that once seemed to never end
but now is moving faster than I can dream of
one by one eliminating
those who just can't keep up
as a means of keeping people in their places

I am hurt by
all that have touched me
suppose it's from the brusies I endured in the womb
as he hit her
and she hit
the bottle then the pipe
it was a way for them to keep each other in their places

I am dumbfounded
at the lengths people will go to
to destroy the lives of one another
as a means of keeping them in their places

and I wonder
if I will ever find
a place to be kept in
rather than thrown away from?

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